Friday, December 31, 2010

Bending Rebarb with his neck

I'm and illusionist too! I can tell what you are thinking right now...not another Brock Gill video!???

Well here it is watch what he does with his neck and PLEASE DON'T TRY this at your Home Depot.

Email viewers CLICK HERE to view.

Youth Evangelism Conference
Jan 14th-15th
London Bridge Baptist Church

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Card Trick Brock Gill

I know you just can't get enough of Brock Gill, so here's a messing with your mind card trick.

See him plus Tenth Avenue North and some great Bible teaching Jan 14th-15th. Cost is $35. Invite a friend!

Email Viewers CLICK HERE to view.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Brock Gill Blind Motorcycle Ride

Here's a taste of some more of Brock Gill's talent.

Don't forget he is coming to YEC (Youth Evangelism Conference) Jan 14th-15th at London Bridge Baptist Church.

Watch him ride a motor cross bike blind folded through the crowd.

Email Viewers CLICK HERE to watch.

Wed Night Church & Skating Canceled Tonight

Job 37:6-7
6 He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.' 7 So that all men he has made may know his work, he stops every man from his labor.

I know many of you are suffering badly from cabin fever and are dying to get out but unfortunately, our entire church parking lot is covered in at least 2inches ICE and so we have canceled all church activities for tonight (Wed December 29th).

Also, The Carney's are BOTH sick and because of this we will have to cancel the girls skating night scheduled for Thursday December 30th. Please pray for them!


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Key Bending Video (YEC)

The Youth Evangelism Conference is coming soon! Jan 14th-15th at London Bridge Baptist Church. Cost is $35. This conference will help students learn to share their faith in a real world setting.

Illusionist Brock Gill will be there to share some of his skills. Check out his video below:

Email Viewers CLICK HERE for video.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Girls Only Skate Night


Don't forget Thursday (Dec 30th) is our GIRLS ONLY Skate Night.

Meet at the church at 6pm we will be heading to Kempsville Family Skating Center. The Cost is $8 for skates and entrance, please bring extra money for food.

Please sign up with Mrs. Dusty if you plan on going.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Weather Cancelation

Due to the snow all Church activities today (Sunday 12/26) will be canceled.

Please be careful and enjoy the snow with your family.

If you know of anyone who is not on our email lists please be sure to give them a call and let them know.

Acts 17:24: "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands."

Enjoy God's Splendor, Beauty and Creativity today!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

No Activities Tonight

Just a final reminder that there are no church or youth activities tonight (12/22) we will see you and your family Friday Night for our Christmas Eve Service at 7pm.

Since I know you can't stand to be away from us here is a little video fun from our Ginger Bread House making contest last week.



Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chrismas Party Pictures

Just a reminder there is no Wednesday Night activities this week (12/22) at church, but we will have a Christmas Eve Service this Friday.

Here's some pictures from our amazing gingerbread house building contest!

A special thanks to our incredibly brave volunteers!!!

Merry Christmas!


Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Party

Don't forget our annual Christmas Party is THIS Wednesday Night (12/15). We'll have food, games and lots of crazy Christmas fun!

Please bring a $5 gift
for our gift exchange. Also if you signed up to bring food please don't forget what you signed up for(if you need a reminder just email Daniel).

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Toy Delivery

For the curious the Mackey's are doing well and surviving after the birth of their 3rd daughter: Sydney Noelle Mackey. She was born right on her due date-December 1st- and weighed in at 7lbs and 11oz. We've been laying low and trying to give mom as much rest as possible.

But I'm back in action for most of this week. Tomorrow (12/12/10) begins our Toy Delivery for Out Reach For Christ.
Teens will need the help of their families to deliver packages of toys to children in need. All you need is a car, a map or GPS, and a smile on your face. The packages are already at the church and labeled correctly.

If you are interested in helping just stay after church for a few minutes to sign out a package of toys.

We would love for you and your family to take part in this great Christmas Ministry.

Have a great week!