Wednesday, December 28, 2011

No Church Activities Tonight

Just a reminder that there are no church activities tonight (12/28/11). Enjoy some time with your family!

Ring in the new year with Jesus this weekend and we'll see you next year on Sunday Jan 1 2012.

Also keep up to date with our daily reading plan since you have LOTS of free time!

Check out today's INCREDIBLE description of Jesus in Revelation 1:9-19!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

No Church Activities Tonight

Just a reminder there are NO CHURCH ACTIVITIES Tonight. (Wed 12/21/11)

We will see you on Christmas Eve this Saturday at 7pm


Christmas Day at 11am
(No Sunday School or evening services)

Enjoy you family and keep the Savior front and center.

Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Party

Don't forget our Christmas Party is THIS Wednesday (12/14)!

If you signed up to bring a dish please remember to do so!

Friends are definitely WELCOME!

We will NOT be doing a gift exchange this year, instead we are asking you to bring money to help a family in need this year.

Friday, December 2, 2011

December Reading plan

Each month we are challenging each other to reading the bible everyday!

You can download a PDF version our reading plan by CLICKING HERE.

Or view it as picture file below.

I hope you will take the challenge and spend some time with God each day!


Monday, November 28, 2011

Missions Formal

We are teaming up with our friends from Kempsville Baptist for a Christmas Missions Formal. This will be a formal environment to hear about what has been happening in Gloucester since this past summer. The Pastors from Bridgepoint Church and Ebeneezer will be giving us some updates.

ALL students are welcome to attend (even if you didn't attend the mission trip last summer).

When: Saturday December 10th, 6pm-10:30pm.

Where: Kempsville Baptist Church

How much: $10. Reservations due THIS SUNDAY December 4th.

Formal attire/Sunday best attire is required.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Operation Christmas Child-Last week

This is the last week to turn in your Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes!

They are due this Sunday (11/20/11).

Students if you bring your box tonight we will have some extra supplies for you to put in your box!

While you're at it check out this video about Ralph, whose parents are trash diggers, and see what these shoe boxes mean to him.

CLICK HERE for info on how to pack a shoebox.

Or CLICK HERE to follow your box and see where it ends up.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Hey Everyone just a reminder that DNOW is this Friday (Nov 11th)!

You CAN still register at the door, the price is $40.

We are meeting here at church at 5:30pm sharp!

Make sure you bring extra clothes, sleeping bag/air mattress and anything else you may need to stay overnight!

Click here for the LETTER and FLIER.

Click here for the REGISTRATION FORM.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

DNOW Registration Deadline

We've been talking a lot about our upcoming DNOW November 11th-12th.

This is going to be a two day God experience you won't want to miss!!!

However, the deadline for the early (and cheaper) registration is approaching.

We will need a $10 deposit and your registration form in by this Sunday (10/24/11).

Click here to download a copy of the registration form.

Check below to see a video from one of the bands leading us at DNOW.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Scavenger Hunt

Join us this Sunday (Oct 16th) for our annual scavenger hunt!

We will meet right after church & do lunch and then break up into our teams. Then head out to see which team can rack up the most points, but finding and doing the most creative things on our list.

Check below for a video from previous years scavenger hunt.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Flame Concert

We had a last minuite opportunity to join with other believers around our city for a great back-to-school bash featuring Flame and the Renaissance Movement Artists (who will also be at our D-Now in November).

The concert is THIS FRIDAY (Sept 30th) only costs $5.

We will meet at our church at 6pm and will return at 11pm.

CLICK HERE FOR PERMISSION SLIP. Feel free to invite some friends. The music will be amazing!

Here are a few of Flame's more recent videos. Also check the links above for Renaissance Movements Music Videos as well.


See You at the Pole Tomorrow

Don't forget See You at the Pole is tomorrow (Wed 9/28/11).

Be at your school EARLY meet some fellow believers and do some serious praying for your school, teachers, administrators and our country.

Make sure you are a good witness by being respectful to your school's policies and by being ON TIME for class.

I'll see many of you out there tomorrow with donuts!

Remember it only takes 2 or 3 to make a difference!

Check the video below:


Friday, September 23, 2011

Garage Sale Giveaway

Our garage sale GIVEAWAY is still on for this Saturday (Sept 24th 9am-2pm) RAIN OR SHINE!

If it rains we will be inside in the fellowship hall you may enter through the Welcome Center.

All items are FREE! This event is open to everyone in the community so come on out and join us and grab some items for FREE!

Church members, we still can use MORE VOLUNTEERS to help greet, sort, set-up and take-down. So if you have a pulse and can greet people with a warm smile and a handshake you are eligible. Volunteers can serve any length of time they have available from 8am-3pm Saturday. Hope you'll be there!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Back-to-school Pool Party

Well most of you are into your second week of school and the familiar sights and sounds lockers, soy burgers, teachers, and the occasional fire drill are already fresh in your mind.

In our opinion, there is no better way to kick of a year filled with SOL's, SAT's and lots of other acronyms than by relaxing by the pool for one last time before Fall truly sets in.

So you are invited THIS FRIDAY (9/16) to our back-to-school pool party at the Leebricks. Main meal is provided but please bring a side dish or a drink to share. And we promise you it will be way more fun than writing a 3 page essay!

Meet at the church at 5pm. Remember modesty with your swimsuits!

CLICK HERE for permission slip.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Laser Tag

Tonight finishes our last round of Summer Bible study. To celebrate we are headed to laser tag. They've got a special deal going: 3games for $20.

Meet up at the church at our usual time (6:45pm) and we'll be back to the church around 11pm. Hope to see you there.

Check below for the permission slip.


Friday, August 26, 2011


Please NOTE: All church services and activities are canceled for this weekend due to Hurricane Irene!

This includes Sunday School and both Morning and Evening Worship Services!

Please be safe!


Hurricane Irene is headed for Hampton Roads and just in case you didn't hear we are (obviously) NOT going to have our Pool Party Tonight (Friday 8/26th).

We will reschedule it for a later date in September.

Stay safe this weekend!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

End of Summer Pool Party

Our end of Summer Pool Party is this coming THIS Friday (Aug 26th) from 4pm-9pm at the Leebrick's.

Students are asked to bring a side dish or a snack (dinner & drinks are provided).

CLICK HERE for a permission slip.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Crossover 2011

We had a great time at our CROSSOVER today welcoming all of our new 6th graders!

Special thanks to all of our new 6th graders who came out and to all of our older students who helped out and planned this great event.

We're praying all of our guys would begin to live a life that is inline with Luke 9:23-
Then he (Jesus) said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.

Below are a few of the video's from today's activities.

Worship Ninja-
Going over our bible study rules

Luncheable Pizza Game-

Apple Jack's Relay-

Digging for Worms-

(Please note no ninjas, cell phones, gummy worms, or luncheables were harmed in today's events.)


Monday, August 15, 2011


Beach Reach is THIS Saturday (8/20) form 10am-3pm.

We'll be down at the Ocean Front passing out free water bottles and offering to pray & serve folks at the beach. This is an opportunity for us to be a blessing in our own community. I hope you'll join us in making a difference in our world.

CLICK HERE for permission slip.

Meet at the church at 10am!

Monday, August 1, 2011

No Strength & Scriptures Today

Just a reminder there will be no Strength and Scriptures today.

We'll resume on Monday Aug 15th.

See you Wednesday Night for Bible Study.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Gloucester Mission Trip Video

Hey Guys,

The video from our Mission Trip to Gloucester is finally available on Youtube. Feel free to repost and share it all you want.

Check it out below:

Special thanks to Devin from KBC for putting all of this together!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No Youth Bible Study Tonight

Just a reminder that we will NOT meet for bible study tonight (wed 7/27/11) because we are doing Vacation Bible School tonight. Many of you are already here serving and doing an awesome job!

For those of you who are not serving we will see you next week at 6:45pm for Bible Study.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Vacation Bible School

From our Main Church Page:
Vacation Bible School started yesterday and we had a GREAT first day!!

Jeff Dear was able to snap some great pictures and here is a sampling of just a few.

Were so excited about what God will continue to do this week.

See you tonight at 5pm-8:30pm.

If you want to see more pictures during the week CLICK HERE to go to our photo's page.

If you need to register call us at 757-486-1494 or REGISTER ONLINE.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pool Party

Join us this Friday July 22nd from 1-3pm for another Free Drink Friday pool party edition.

Pastor Lee has graciously opened his pool up to us. So come cool off with us!

So bring your towel and we'll see you at church this Friday. You'll need a permission slip, so CLICK HERE to download one.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

VBS Community Night

We had a great time last night meeting kids and doing our first community night! Check out some of our pictures.  


We will be going out AGAIN tonight and we will need your help! Meet up at the church tonight at 5:15pm & wear your VBS t-shirt if you have one (if not don't worry about it). We'll be back at the church by 7:45pm.

See you tonight!




Monday, July 18, 2011

Strength & Scriptures and VBS outreach

I know many of you guys are still recovering from the mission trip to Gloucester.

So we'll do a light day of Strength & Scriptures from 12-4pm and then we will be out the the community doing Vacation Bible School outreach.

Mrs. Angela will be leading us in a game, a small craft and some music as we reach out to kids in the local neighborhood. Be at the church at 5:30pm.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Gloucester Final Full Workday

Today was our final full workday. All of our crews finished their projects... PRAISE THE LORD!

We've still got a really big block party and a free showing of the new Winnie the Pooh movie we are helping with for Bridge Point Church tomorrow before we leave.

Continue to pray for us and for the people of Gloucester. There are still SO MANY displaced and hurting families here.

Below are some pictures of where the Tornado touched down just outside the neighborhood where we were working. It basically cleared an entire forest and field.

If it had touched down just 1 block earlier it would have devastated the entire neighborhood and there would have been MANY casualties. For sure, God was gracious and instead He let it touch down in this field.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 4 Gloucester Pictures

It's been a busy day here in Gloucester, so I don't have a lot of pictures.

But one of the greatest stories has been with our team finishing the wheel chair ramp. This precious lady was so filled with joy she began to cry as she thanked our students.

Here are some pictures from their team:


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 3 Gloucester Mission Trip

Another hot, but another great day in Gloucester today!

These teens are working so hard and it is incredible to watch them interact with each other and the community.

Part of our job this week is also to help a new SBCV church plant called Bridge Point Church. Our middle school team had the chance to help sand a truck that donated to the church. They use this truck every Sunday to set up and take down their church because they do not have their own building. The guys worked really hard, but then relaxed by chasing chickens and taking a dip in the pool (all while John Carney slept on a hammock).

Here's our team working on a ramp for a handicapped lady here in the community.

We have other teams cleaning the local movie theater for free. Hopefully, we will get some pictures from them later on this week.

No Youth Bible Study Tonight

Just a reminder that there will be no YOUTH BIBLE STUDY TONIGHT (Wednesday July 13th). All of our leaders are serving in Gloucester this week!

But you are more than welcome to join the rest of our church family for Adult Bible Study and Prayer Meeting at 7pm.

See our other posts for updates about what's going on this week in Gloucester!

We'll be back in bible study next week with lot's to share!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 2 Gloucester Pictures

It's been a long hot day here in Gloucester today!

Most of the crews finished early today because of the heat. Everyone stayed hydrated and is doing well.

One crew finished their porch today (see the before and after pictures below)

Here's another crew working on cleaning up one of the disaster relief trailers:

Here's another team splitting logs:

Lastly, here are some pictures from our team working on the floors, putting up a new fence and removing a damaged shed:
