Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Flame Concert

We had a last minuite opportunity to join with other believers around our city for a great back-to-school bash featuring Flame and the Renaissance Movement Artists (who will also be at our D-Now in November).

The concert is THIS FRIDAY (Sept 30th) only costs $5.

We will meet at our church at 6pm and will return at 11pm.

CLICK HERE FOR PERMISSION SLIP. Feel free to invite some friends. The music will be amazing!

Here are a few of Flame's more recent videos. Also check the links above for Renaissance Movements Music Videos as well.


See You at the Pole Tomorrow

Don't forget See You at the Pole is tomorrow (Wed 9/28/11).

Be at your school EARLY meet some fellow believers and do some serious praying for your school, teachers, administrators and our country.

Make sure you are a good witness by being respectful to your school's policies and by being ON TIME for class.

I'll see many of you out there tomorrow with donuts!

Remember it only takes 2 or 3 to make a difference!

Check the video below:


Friday, September 23, 2011

Garage Sale Giveaway

Our garage sale GIVEAWAY is still on for this Saturday (Sept 24th 9am-2pm) RAIN OR SHINE!

If it rains we will be inside in the fellowship hall you may enter through the Welcome Center.

All items are FREE! This event is open to everyone in the community so come on out and join us and grab some items for FREE!

Church members, we still can use MORE VOLUNTEERS to help greet, sort, set-up and take-down. So if you have a pulse and can greet people with a warm smile and a handshake you are eligible. Volunteers can serve any length of time they have available from 8am-3pm Saturday. Hope you'll be there!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Back-to-school Pool Party

Well most of you are into your second week of school and the familiar sights and sounds lockers, soy burgers, teachers, and the occasional fire drill are already fresh in your mind.

In our opinion, there is no better way to kick of a year filled with SOL's, SAT's and lots of other acronyms than by relaxing by the pool for one last time before Fall truly sets in.

So you are invited THIS FRIDAY (9/16) to our back-to-school pool party at the Leebricks. Main meal is provided but please bring a side dish or a drink to share. And we promise you it will be way more fun than writing a 3 page essay!

Meet at the church at 5pm. Remember modesty with your swimsuits!

CLICK HERE for permission slip.